Kenwood DDX372BT Bruksanvisning

Läs nedan 📖 manual på svenska för Kenwood DDX372BT (69 sidor) i kategorin Inte kategoriserad. Denna guide var användbar för 3 personer och betygsatt med 4.5 stjärnor i genomsnitt av 2 användare

Sida 1/69
Take the time to read through this instruction manual.
Familiarity with installation and operation procedures will help you obtain the best performance from your new DVD-receiver.
For your records
Record the serial number, found on the back of the unit, in the spaces designated on the warranty card, and in the space provided below. Refer to the model and serial
numbers whenever you call upon your Kenwood dealer for information or service on the product.
Model DDX672BH/DDX492/DDX415BT/DDX392/DDX372BT/DDX320BT/DDX315/DDX272 Serial number
US Residents Only
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B5A-0214-00 (KN/RN)© 2014 JVC KENWOOD Corporation
This HD Radio receiver enables:
B FOR US ............................................................ 2E E E
How to reset your unit .................................................... 3
INITIAL S TTIN S .................................................. 4 E G
BASICS .................................................................... 6
Co ponent na es and unctionsm m f ............................. 6
Co on operationsmm ....................................................... 7
Co on screen operationsmm ......................................... 9
S l h l b k ...................................10e ecting t e p ay ac source
DISCS .................................................................... 11
USB........................................................................ 15
i od i hone ......................................................... 1P / P 6
A sPP ...................................................................... 19
P ® ( l andora On y for DDX67 / / /2BH DDX492 DDX392
DDX3 2BT DDX320BT DDX2 27 / / 7 ) ........................ 20
TUN R On y for DDX415BT DDX392 DDX3 2BTE ( l / / 7 /
DDX320BT DDX315 DDX2 2/ / 7 ) ............................ 22
HD Radio tuner
( l 67 /On y for DDX 2BH DDX492) ........................... 24
SiriusXM Sate ite RADIO On y for DDX 2BH® ll ( l 67 /
DDX492 DDX392 DDX3 2BT DDX320BT/ / 7 / /
DDX2 2 ............................................................... 27 ) 7
OTHER XT RNAL COM ON NTS ...................... 32 E E P E
U x l /v l —A - ........32sing e terna audio ideo p ayers V IN
U v m ............................................33sing a rear iew ca era
BLU TOOTH On y for DDX 2BH DDX492E ( l 67 / /
DDX415BT DDX392 DDX3 2BT DDX320BT/ / 7 / ) .... 34
S TTIN SE G .............................................................. 42
S j m .........................................................42ound ad ust ent
A j m f v ld ust ent or ideo p ay acb k .................................43
C anging disp ay designh l .............................................45
Custo i ing t e screenm z h < P E >TO M NU .................46
Custo i ing t e syste settingsm z h m .............................46
S m m .......................................................48etting enu ite s
R MOT CONTROLL RE E E ........................................ 51
CONN CTION INSTALLATION ............................ 53E /
R F R NC SE E E E ......................................................... 58
Maintenance ....................................................................58
More in or ation f m ...........................................................58
Error essage ist m l ...........................................................61
T bl h .............................................................63rou es ooting
S f ...................................................................65peci ications
How to read this manua l:
ll f X672B I ustrations o DD H are ain y used or e p anation e disp ays and pane s s own in t is anua m l f x l . Th l l h h m l
are e a p es used to pro ide c ear e p anations o t e operations or t is reason t ey ay e di erent x m l v l x l f h . F h , h m b ff
f m h l l l .ro t e actua disp ays or pane s
Th m l m l x l h b h m l h l. Fis anua ain y e p ains operations using t e uttons on t e onitor pane and touc pane or
operations using t e re ote contro er h m ll ( RC DV- 340 : l l f X415BT/ X315 ), 51.supp ied on y or DD DD see page
h v /m / / h h h l.< > indicates t e arious screens enus operations settings t at appear on t e touc pane
h b h h l.[ ] indicates t e uttons on t e touc pane
l h f h f x l . Y l h Indication anguage l : Eng is indications are used or t e purpose o e p anation ou can se ect t e
indication anguage ro t e enu age l f m h m<Setup > . (P 50)
U f m ( h l l, m , f , .) v l bl pdated in or ation t e atest Instruction Manua syste updates new unctions etc is a ai a e
f m <h :// .k . m/ / /> .ro ttp www enwood co cs ce
T , l h h h o ensure proper use p ease read t roug t is
m l b f h . ll anua e ore using t is product It is especia y
i portant t at you read and o ser e W RNINm h b v A GS
and C ION in t is anua ease eep t e AUT S h m l. Pl k h
m l f bl l f f anua in a sa e and accessi e p ace or uture
re erencef .
V W G : ( ARNIN S To prevent accidents and
T ll bl DO NO insta any unit or wire any ca e in a
l h ;ocation w ere
m b h h l h f it ay o struct t e steering w ee and gears i t
l v .e er operations
m b h f f v it ay o struct t e operation o sa ety de ices
suc as air agsh b .
m b v b l .it ay o struct isi i ity
T h h l v .DO NO operate t e unit w i e dri ing
I you need to operate t e unit w i e dri ing ef h h l v , b
sure to oo around care u y l k f ll .
Th v m h h m h l e dri er ust not watc t e onitor w i e
dri ingv .
For DDX415BT DDX315 / :
The marking of products using asers l
Th l b l h h h / e a e is attac ed to t e c assis case and says
t at t e co ponent uses aser ea s t at a eh h m l b m h h v
b l f l 1. m h h een c assi ied as C ass It eans t at t e unit is
uti i ing aser ea s t at are o a wea er c ass erel z l b m h f k l . Th
is no danger o a ardous radiation outside t e unit f h z h .
For DDX 2BH DDX492 DDX392 DDX3 2BT 67 / / / 7 /
DDX320BT DDX2 2/ 7 :
U f l j m f m f se o contro s or ad ust ents or per or ance o
procedures ot er t an t ose speci ied erein ay resu t in h h h f h m l
h z x . m l h F l a ardous radiation e posure In co p iance wit edera
Regu ations t e o owing are reproductions o a e sl , h f ll f l b l , on
or inside t e product re ating to aser product sa ety h l l f .
J VC KENWOODCorporation
2967-3, S A A- A , A J -S , T Y , JAPAI HIK W M CHI H CHIO I HI OK O N
L : T location op p ate
Th q m m f q is e uip ent ay generate or use radio re uency
energy C anges or odi ications to t is e uip ent ay. h m f h q m m
cause ar u inter erence un ess t e odi ications are h mf l f l h m f
e press y appro ed in t e instruction anua e userx l v h m l. Th
cou dl lose t e aut ority to operate t is e uip ent i an h h h q m f
unaut ori ed c ange or odi ication is adeh z h m f m .
Th q m h b f m l is e uip ent as een tested and ound to co p y
wit t e i its or a C ass digita de ice pursuanth h l m f l B l v ,
to art o t e CC Ru es ese i its are designed P 15 f h F l . Th l m
to pro ide reasona e protection against ar u v bl h mf l
inter erencef in a residentia insta ation l ll .
Th q m m h mf l f is e uip ent ay cause ar u inter erence to
radio co unications i it is not insta ed and used in mm , f ll
accordance wit t e instructions Howe er t ere is no h h . v , h
guarantee t at inter erence wi not occur in a particu h f ll lar
insta ation I t is e uip ent does cause ar ull . f h q m h mf l
inter erence to radio or te e ision reception w ic canf l v , h h
b m b h q m ff , e deter ined y turning t e e uip ent o and on
t e user is encouraged to try to correct t e interh h ference
b m f h f ll m :y one or ore o t e o owing easures
l h v .Reorient or re ocate t e recei ing antenna
h b h q m Increase t e separation etween t e e uip ent and
recei erv .
h q m l Connect t e e uip ent into an out et on a circuit
di erent roff f m h h h h v .t at to w ic t e recei er is connected
l h l x /T Consu t t e dea er or an e perienced radio V
tec nician or e ph f h l .
For DDX 2BH DDX492 DDX392 DDX3 2BT 67 / / / 7 /
IC Industry Canada Notice ( )
Th v m l h l -is de ice co p ies wit Industry Canada icense
e e pt R standard sx m SS ( ).
Operation is su ect to t e o owing two conditions bj h f ll :
(1) Th v m f , (2) h is de ice ay not cause inter erence and t is
de ice ust accept any inter erence inc uding inter erencev m f , l f
t at ay cause undesired operation o t e de iceh m f h v .
Th m “ : ” b f h f / e ter IC e ore t e certi ication registration
nu er on y signi ies t at t e Industry Canadamb l f h h
tec nica speci ication were eth l f m .
Th q m m l h F / x is e uip ent co p ies wit CC IC radiation e posure
l m f h f ll v m i its set ort or an uncontro ed en iron ent and
m h F f q ( F) x G l eets t e CC radio re uency R E posure uide ines
in upp e ent C to OE and R o t e S l m T65 SS-102 f h IC radio
f q ( F) x l . Th q m h v re uency R E posure ru es is e uip ent as ery
l l v l f F h m m l h ow e e s o R energy t at it dee ed to co p y wit out
m x m m m v x v l ( P ). B a i u per issi e e posure e a uation M E ut it is
desira e t at it s ou d e insta ed and operated eepingbl h h l b ll k
t e radiator at east c or ore away ro person sh l 20 m m f m
b ( x l x m : h , , f kl ).ody e c uding e tre ities ands wrists eet and an es
U l , h nder Industry Canada regu ations t is radio
trans itter ay on y operate using an antenna o am m l f
type and a i u or esser gain appro ed or t e m x m m ( l ) v f h
trans itter y Industry Canada o reduce potentiam b . T l
radio inter erence to ot er users t e antenna f h , h type
and its gain s ou d e so c osen t at t e e ui a ent h l b h h h q v l
isotropica y radiated power e i r p is not ore t anll ( . . . .) m h
t at necessary or success u co unicationh f f l mm .
T m lContains rans itter Modu e
Contains T m lrans itter Modu e
IC R: 9688A-BT 601
V :Cautions on the monitor
Th m b l h h b e onitor ui t into t is unit as een
produced wit ig precision ut it ay a e h h h , b m h v
so e ine ecti e dots is is ine ita e and is notm ff v . Th v bl
considered de ecti e f v .
x h m Do not e pose t e onitor to l h .direct sun ig t
h h l b ll- Do not operate t e touc pane using a a point
pen or si i ar too wit a s arp tip m l l h h .
T h h b h h l h ouc t e uttons on t e touc pane wit your
f l ( f l v , inger direct y i you are wearing a g o e tak e it
h h m v l v h ...W en t e te perature is ery co d or ery ot
h m l h , C e ica c anges occur inside causing
m lf .a unction
Pictures ay not appear c ear y or ay o e m l l m m v
s ow y ictures ay not e sync roni edl l . P m b h z with
t e sound or picture ua ity ay dec ine in such q l m l h
en iron entsv m .
For safety...
h v l m l v l m h, h Do not raise t e o u e e e too uc as t is
wi a e dri ing dangerous y oc ing outsidell m k v b bl k
sounds and ay cause earing oss, m h l .
Stop h b f f m m l t e car e ore per or ing any co p icated
Temperature inside the car...
I you a e par ed t e car or a ong ti e in ot orf h v k h f l m h
co d weat er wait unti t e te perature in t e carl h , l h m h
b m m l b f h .eco es nor a e ore operating t e unit
R How to reset your unit
I t e unit ai s to operate proper y press t e resetf h f l l , h
b .utton
DDX492 DDX415BT DDX392 DDX3 2BT/ / / 7 /
DDX320BT DDX315 DDX2 2/ / 7


Varumärke: Kenwood
Kategori: Inte kategoriserad
Modell: DDX372BT

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