Zanussi ZAN1665 Bruksanvisning
Läs nedan 📖 manual på svenska för Zanussi ZAN1665 (47 sidor) i kategorin dammsugare. Denna guide var användbar för 17 personer och betygsatt med 4.5 stjärnor i genomsnitt av 2 användare
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Z AN1650
Z AN1655
Z AN1656
Z AN1660
Z AN1665
T3507 02 08 06
Vacuum cle ane r O pe rating ins tructions
Bode ns taub s auge r Ge brauch s anw e is ung
Stofzu ige r Ge b ru ik s aanw ijzing
As pirate ur traîne au Mode d'e m ploi
As pirapolve re Instruzioni pe r l’us o
As pirado de polvo Instruccione s de us o
As pirador Ins trucçõe s de utiliyacçâo
Ele k trik li sü pürge Kullanm a k lavuzuı
Η λεκτρική σκούπ α Ο δη ϊες χρήσεω ς
Пылесос Pуко во д ство по эксплу а ат ции
Пилосо с Інстр укції з експлуа ат ції
Us is avač Upute za rad
Vys avač Návod k použití
П ар хо см укачкаинструкции з упо тр еа б а
O dk urzacz Ins truk cja obs łu gi
As pirator Ins trucţiuni de utilizare
Vys ávač Návod na používanie
Se s alnik Navodila za u porab o
Us is ivač Uputs tvo za upotre b u
Tolm uim e ja Kas utus juh e nd
Pute k s cēja Ek s pluatācijas ins truk cija ļ ū
D ulk ių s iurblys Naudojim o ins truk cija
Pors zívó H as ználati útm utató
• •
• • • •
• • • • •
• • • •
Z AN1650 Z AN1655 Z AN1656 Z AN1660 Z AN1665

18 19
22 23 24
25 26 27
28 29
31 32 33
Englis h
●Re ad th is instruction b ook le t care fully.
●Be fore using th e appliance , ch e ck th at th e m ains pow e r
voltage corre sponds to th e voltage s h ow n on th e rating plate .
●D o not sw itch th e appliance on if it appe ars to be faulty
in any w ay or it h as a dam age d cord or plu g. D o not try
to re pair th e appliance b y yours e lf.
●Alw ays re m ove th e plug from th e pow e r s ock e t w h e n
th e appliance is not in us e and be fore carrying out any
cle aning or m ainte nance ope rations .
●Ne ve r le ave th e appliance unatte nde d w h e n it is
s w itch e d on. K e e p th e appliance out of re ach of
ch ildre n.
●Th is appliance is for dom e s tic us e only. U s e as
de s cribe d in th is instru ction book le t.
●D o not pull th e appliance by th e cord.
D o not unplu g b y pulling on th e cord.
●D o not us e appliance on w e t s u rface s or to vacu um
liq uids , m ud, as h and b u rning cigare tte butts .
D o not vacu um up any h igh ly flam m able or e xplos ive
s u b s tance s or gas e s.
●D o not unplu g th e vacuum cle ane r w ith w e t h ands .
●D o not ope rate th e vacuum cle ane r too clos e to h e ate rs
and radiators , s tove s e tc.
●Be fore you s tart us ing th e vacuum cle ane r, ple as e
re m ove large or s h arp ob je cts from th e floor to pre ve nt
dam age to th e dus t containe r and h os e .
●Be fore placing into ope ration m ak e ce rtain th at th e
filte rs are in th e prope r pos ition.
A U nw ind a s u fficie nt le ngth of cab le and ins e rt th e plu g
into th e pow e r s ock e t. A YELLO W m ark on th e pow e r
cable sh ow s th e ide al cable le ngth . D o not e xte nd th e
cable be yond th e RED m ark .
B Pre s s th e O N/O FF bu tton to s w itch th e appliance on.
O n initial s tart up fu ll pow e r is re ach e d afte r
approxim ate ly 1-2 s e conds .
C To re w ind th e pow e r cab le , pre ss th e re w ind button w ith
foot, and guide th e cab le w ith h and to e ns ure th at it
doe s not w h ip caus ing dam age .
Sound le ve l: 82,5 db (A)
●Ne ve r ope rate th e cle ane r w ith out th e dus t containe r
ins talle d.
●You r cle ane r is fitte d w ith an e le ctronic filte r indicator.
Th e dus t containe r m us t be e m ptie d if th e w indow of th e
e le ctronic filte r indicator is illu m inate d w h e n th e cle ane r
is ope rating at m axim um pow e r and th e nozzle is
rais e d from th e floor.
●Ple ase note : It is norm al for th e re d ligh t of th e
indicator to flick e r on and off du ring us e . If th e dus t
containe r is e m ptie d and th e indicator is s till active , it
m e ans th at th e cartridge filte r is clogge d. In th is cas e ,
follow th e ins tructions of ch apte r 'Re placing or cle aning
th e cartridge filte r'.
22 Re m ove th e dus t containe r by pu s h ing th e ope n b uttons
on th e tw o s ide s of th e dus t containe r h andle .
23 Re m ove th e conte nts of th e dus t containe r by pus h ing
th e orange - coloure d ope ning button.
24,25 If ne ce s s ary, th e prote ctor m e s h als o can be re m ove d
(24) in orde r to sh ak e th e dirt from its s u rface (25).
26 Clos e th e dus t containe r lid until it click s .
22 Ins e rt th e dus t containe r back into th e cle ane r by
pre s s ing it dow n until it click s
Filte rs s h ould b e re place d at le as t tw ice a ye ar or w h e n
th e y b e com e visibly s oile d.
Alw ays ope rate th e cle ane r w ith filte rs installe d to avoid
re du ce d s uction.
D is conne ct from e le ctrical outle t be fore ch anging th e filte rs.
Me nalu x b rande d filte rs are strongly re com m e nde d
b y Z anu ssi. Th ose h igh q u ality filte rs w ill e ns u re a
long life tim e of you r Z anu s s i vacu u m cle ane r. For
m ore inform ation ab ou t Me nalu x produ cts, ple ase
vis it our w e b s ite : w w w .m e nalu .
1. Suction inle t
2. Ele ctronic filte r
3. O n/off s w itch
4. Cab le re w ind b utton
5. W h e e l
6. D u s t containe r
7. D u s t containe r h andle
8. D u s t containe r ope n
9 . Carrying h andle
10. H os e
11. Te le s copic tube *
12. Me tal tub e s (x2) *
13. D ual purpos e floor
nozzle *
14. Floor nozzle *
15. Cre vice nozzle
16. U ph ols te ry nozzle *
17. Turbo nozzle *
18. Cartridge filte r
19 . Prote ctor m e s h
20. Ve rtical park ing
21. H orizontal park ing
* D e pe nding on th e m ode l
Z anus s i s u pply a range of cle ane rs w ith diffe re nt acce ssorie s , all of w h ich are cove re d in th is m anual. Ple as e re fe r to your
s pe cific m ode l and its acce s s orie s .
* D e pe nding on th e m ode l
* Nu r b e s tim m te Mode lle
* Alle e n b e paalde m ode lle n
* Suivant le s m odèle s
* Solo pe r alcuni m ode lli
* Sólo algunos m ode los
* Ape nas para algu ns m ode los
* Yalnýzca b e lirli m ode lle rde
* Μ όνο ορισµ έ να µ οντέ λα .
* Только для отд ельных м о д елей
* В з леж но стіа від м о д елі
* Sam o odre đe ni m ode li
* Pou ze u něk te rých m ode lů
* Са ам о з ня ко и м о д ели
* Tylk o nie k tóre m ode le
* D is ponib il num ai pe ntru une le m ode le
* Le n nie k toré m ode ly
* Sam o ne k ate ri m ode li
* Sam o ne k ate ri m ode li
* Ainult te atud m ude lid
* Tik ai note ik tie m m ode ie mļ
* Tink a tik k ai k urie m s m ode liam s
* Cs ak e gye s típus ok e s e tén

22 Re m ove th e dus t containe r b y pus h ing th e ope n buttons
on th e tw o s ide s of th e dus t containe r h andle .
23 Re m ove th e conte nts of th e dus t containe r b y pus h ing
th e orange - coloure d ope ning b utton.
24 Re m ove th e prote ctor m e s h .
27 Re m ove th e cartridge filte r by turning it counte r-
clock w ise .
25 Sh ak e th e dirt from th e filte r and th e m e sh into a b in.
28 If ne ce s s ary th e filte r and m e s h can b e rins e d, w ith cold
w ate r, unde r a tap.
29 Air dry th e m for approxim ate ly 24 h ours , to e ns u re it is
com ple te ly dry be fore re -us ing. Avoid dire ct s unligh t
and e xtre m e drying circu m stance s (e .q . h air-drye r).
27 Inse rt th e cartridge filte r back to th e dus t containe r and
turn it clock w is e until th e cartridge filte r lock s com ple te ly.
24 Inse rt th e prote ctor m e s h into its place by pus h ing it
onto th e cartridge filte r.
26 Clos e th e dus t containe r lid until it click s.
22 Inse rt th e dus t containe r back into th e cle ane r by
pre s s ing it dow n until it click s.
Cartridge filte r re fe re nce num be r: F110
30 O pe n th e filte r grill.
31 Re m ove th e e xh aus t filte r.
32 Rins e it unde r tap w ate r and dry it com ple te ly.
31 Put th e filte r back into th e cle ane r.
30 Clos e th e filte r grill.
Exh aust filte r re fe re nce num be r: Me nalux F110
If you do not find Me nalux at your s tore , ple as e call
your local cus tom e r s e rvice .
33 To conne ct th e h os e into th e s uction inle t pus h it until it
click s .
To dis conne ct th e h os e from th e s uction inle t push th e
bu tton at th e e nd of th e h os e .
●Atte m pt to re cycle pack aging m ate rial and old
appliance s .
●Th e cardb oard pack aging can be place d in th e w as te
pape r colle ction.
●D e pos it th e plas tic bag m ade of polye th yle ne (PE) at th e
PE colle ction point for re cycling.
●D e pos it th e polys tyre ne foam at th e PS colle ction point
for re cycling.
●Th e plas tic com pone nts all carry a m ate rial
ide ntification m ark ing s o th at, lik e th e oth e r m ate rials ,
th e y can re cycle d at th e e nd of th e life of th e appliance .
●Ple as e inq uire w ith your local auth ority.
●Th e cle ane r stops autom atically if a b lock age occurs in
th e nozzle /tub e /h ose or if th e filte rs are block e d w ith dirt.
●D is conne ct from m ains and allow th e cle ane r to cool for
20-30 m inute s . Re m ove block age and/or cle an filte rs .
●Re s tart th e cle ane r.
Th e sym bol on th e product or on its pack aging
indicate s th at th is product m ay not be tre ate d as
h ous e h old w as te . Inste ad it s h all be h ande d ove r to th e
applicable colle ction point for th e re cycling of e le ctrical
and e le ctronic e q uipm e nt. By e nsuring th is product is
dispose d of corre ctly, you w ill h e lp pre ve nt pote ntial
ne gative conse q ue nce s for th e e nvironm e nt and h um an
h e alth , w h ich could oth e rw ise be caus e d by inappropriate
w as te h andling of th is product. For m ore de taile d
inform ation about re cycling of th is product, ple as e contact
your local city office , your h ous e h old w as te dis pos al
s e rvice or th e sh op w h e re you purch ase d th e product.
Varumärke: | Zanussi |
Kategori: | dammsugare |
Modell: | ZAN1665 |
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- dammsugare Viomi
- dammsugare Hiberg
- dammsugare Powerstar
- dammsugare Alpha Tools
- dammsugare FlinQ
- dammsugare Ewbank
- dammsugare Enkho
- dammsugare Felisatti
- dammsugare Robot
- dammsugare Envirotect
- dammsugare Easy Home - Aldi
- dammsugare JML
- dammsugare Rowi
- dammsugare Hoberg
- dammsugare Armor All
- dammsugare DPM
- dammsugare EST
- dammsugare Valet
- dammsugare I-Vac
- dammsugare Kobold
- dammsugare Royal
- dammsugare One Concept
- dammsugare Ribimex
- dammsugare Hamron
- dammsugare Robust
- dammsugare P3 International
- dammsugare CleanStar
- dammsugare Symbo
- dammsugare G-Technology
- dammsugare Volta
- dammsugare Workshop
- dammsugare NuTone
- dammsugare Morrison
- dammsugare Narwal
- dammsugare Ultenic
- dammsugare RugDoctor
- dammsugare Yeedi
- dammsugare SPRiNTUS
- dammsugare WOOZOO
- dammsugare Magivaac
- dammsugare Trifo
- dammsugare TESLA Electronics
- dammsugare Hacienda
- dammsugare Clever Clean
- dammsugare HTE Erfolg
- dammsugare Heissner
- dammsugare Imarflex
- dammsugare Ghibli & Wirbel
- dammsugare MetroVac
- dammsugare Ulsonix
- dammsugare Beldray
- dammsugare Invictus
- dammsugare Linsar
- dammsugare Carneo
- dammsugare Zigma
- dammsugare Puppyoo
Nyaste dammsugare Manualer

24 Mars 2025

21 Mars 2025

18 Mars 2025

16 Mars 2025

16 Mars 2025

15 Mars 2025

14 Mars 2025

14 Mars 2025

14 Mars 2025

14 Mars 2025