Asus ROG Cetra True Wireless Bruksanvisning

Asus Hörlurar ROG Cetra True Wireless

Läs nedan 📖 manual på svenska för Asus ROG Cetra True Wireless (2 sidor) i kategorin Hörlurar. Denna guide var användbar för 10 personer och betygsatt med 4.5 stjärnor i genomsnitt av 2 användare

Sida 1/2
Quick Start Guide (English)
( )
사용 ( )
Guide de démarrage rapide (Français)
Schnellstartanleitung (Deutsch)
Guida rapida (Italiano)
Guia de consulta rápida (Português)
Краткое руководство (Pyccкий)
Guía de inicio rápido (Español)
Beknopte handleiding (Nederlands)
Rychlý průvodce (Čeština)
Stručný návod na používanie (Slovenčina)
Стисле керівництво для початку
експлуатації (Українська)
Hızlı Başlangıç Kılavuzu (Türkçe)
Przewodnik szybkiego startu (Polski)
Ghid de pornire rapidă (Romanian)
Gyors üzembe helyezési útmutató (Magyar)
Snabbstartshandbok (Svenska)
Pikaopas (Suomi)
Hurtigstartveiledning (Norsk)
Product FeaturesPackage contents
Charging the earphones Armoury Crate appPlay time
ANC ON: 4.5 hours
ANC OFF: 5 hours
iOSAndroid Android (China)
Getting Started
Gaming mode
Pairing mode
Power o
Battery Indication (charging) Battery Indication (not charging)
ANC mode
Voice assistant
Pairing mode
Power o
Heavy noise canceling
Light noise canceling
Ambient sound
Noise canceling o
Safety Guidelines
Indicator / 指示燈(繁體中文)/
指示燈(簡體中文)/ Témoin lumineux (FR) / Anzeige
(DE) / Indicatore (IT) / Индикатор (RU) /
(JP) / Indicador (ES) / Göstergesi
(TR) / Indikátor (CS) / Indicator (NL) / Indicador (PT:BR) /
/ Індикатор
(UA) /
Indikator (SV) / Indikator (NO) / Merkkivalo (FI) / Wskaźnik (PL) / elzőny (HU) / Indikátor (SK) J
/ Indicator (RO) /
(AR) /  (HB)
Touch panel / 觸控區(繁體中文)/ 觸控區(簡體中文)/ タッチパネル (JP) / 터치 패널
(KO) / Écran tactile (FR) / Touchpanel (DE) / Pannello a sfioramento (IT) / Painel de toque
(PT:BR) / Сенсорная панель (RU) / Panel táctil (ES) / Aanraakscherm (NL) / Dokunma ala
(TR) / Сенсорна панель (UA) / Panel dotykowy (PL) / Dotykovém panelu (CS) / Ecran tactil
(RO) / Érintőpanel(HU) / Touchskärm (SW) / Kosketuspaneeli (FI) / Berøringsskjerm (NO) /
(AR) / Dotykový panel (SK) /  (HB)
Microphone / 麥克風(繁體中文)/ 麥克風(簡體中文)/
(JP) /
마이크 (K
O) /
Microphone (FR) / Mikrofon (DE) / Microfono (IT) / Microfone (PT:BR) / Микрофон (RU) /
Micrófono (ES) / Microfoon (NL) / Mikrofon (CS) / Mikrofón (SK) / Mikrofon (TR) / Microphone
(UA) / Mikrofon (SV) / Mikrofon (NO) / Mikrofoni (FI) /
Mikrofon (PL) / Mikrofon (HU) /
Microfon (RO) /  (AR) /  (HB)
(DE) Verwenden Sie NICHT Ihren Kopfhörer und schalten Sie nicht in den ANC-Modus um in Situationen oder
Umgebungen, die Ihre volle Aufmerksamkeit erfordern oder in denen Sie Ihre Umgebungsgeräusche
wahrnehmen müssen, z. B. beim Fahren oder auf einer Baustelle. Nichtbeachtung kann eine Gefahr für Sie
selbst oder andere darstellen.
(IT) NON utilizzare le cuffie o attivare la modalità ANC in situazioni o ambienti che richiedono la totale
attenzione dell’utente o che richiedono di essere consapevoli dei suoni circostanti, come durante la guida o
in un cantiere. La mancata osservanza di questa precauzione può rappresentare un pericolo per se stessi o
gli altri.
(PT:BR) NÃO use seus fones de ouvido ou alterne para o modo ANC em situações ou ambientes que exijam sua total
atenção ou exijam que você esteja ciente dos sons ao redor, como ao dirigir ou em um canteiro de obras.
Não seguir estas instruções pode representar um perigo para você ou para os outros.
(RU) DO NOT use your headphones or toggle ON ANC mode in situations or environments that requires your full
attention or requires you to be aware of surrounding sounds, such as when driving or in a construction site,
failure to do so may pose as a danger to yourself or others.
(ES) NO use los auriculares ni active el modo ANC en situaciones o entornos que requieran su atención total o
que necesite ser consciente de los sonidos de alrededor, como cuando conduce o en un sitio de obras. El no
seguir esta recomendación puede suponer un peligro para usted u otras personas.
(DU) Gebruik GEEN hoofdtelefoon of zet de ANC-modus NIET AAN in situaties of omgevingen die uw volle
aandacht vereisen of die vereisen dat u zich bewust bent van de omgevende geluiden, zoals wanneer u een
voertuig bestuurd of als u zich op een bouwwerf bevindt; Als u dit niet naleeft, kunt u een gevaar betekenen
voor uzelf of anderen.
(TR) Tüm dikkatinizi vermenizi gerektiren veya çevredeki seslerden haberdar olmanız gereken (örneğin araba
kullanırken veya bir şantiyede) kulaklık KULLANMAYIN veya ANC modunu etkinleştirmeyin. Bu öneriye
uyulmaması, siz veya başkaları için tehlike oluşturabilir.
(UA) НЕ ЗАСТОСОВУЙТЕ гарнітуру і НЕ ВМИКАЙТЕ режим ANC у ситуаціях або умовах, які вимагають
повної уваги, або коли необхідно чути всі звуки довкола, як-от під час водіння або на будівництві. Не
виконуючи ці правила, ви наражаєте на небезпеку себе та інших.
(PL) NIE WOLNO korzystać ze słuchawek ani włączać trybu ANC w sytuacjach i miejscach wymagających pełnej
uwagi użytkownika lub słyszenia dźwięków otoczenia, np. podczas prowadzenia pojazdu lub na placu
budowy. Niezastosowanie się do tego może stanowić zagrożenie dla użytkownika lub innych osób.
(CS) NEPOÍVEJTE sluchátka ani NEZAPÍNEJTE režim ANC v situaci nebo prostředí, ve kterém je vyžadována
vaše plná pozornost, nebo když musíte sledovat okolní zvuky, například při řízení vozidla nebo na staveništi.
Zanedbáním těchto pokynů se můžete vy nebo další osoby vystavit nebezpečí.
(RO) NU folosiți căștile și nu activați modul ANC în situații sau medii care necesită atenția dvs. deplină sau care
vă solicită să fiți conștienți de sunetele din jur, cum ar fi când conduceți sau când vă aflați pe un șantier,
deoarece vă puteți pune în pericol pe dvs. sau pe cei din jur.
(HU) NE használja a fejhallgatókat, vagy kapcsolja BE az ANC módot olyan helyzetben vagy környezetben, amely
teljes figyelmet igényel, vagy ahol szükséges a környező hangokra való figyelés, úgy mint vezetés közben
vagy épitkezésen, ennek elmúlasztása veszélyt jelenthet az Ön és mások számára.
(SV) Använd INTE hörlurar eller sätt PÅ ANC-läget i situationer eller miljöer som kräver din fullständiga
uppmärksamhet eller kräver att du är medveten om omgivande ljud, som när du kör eller är på en
byggarbetsplats. Underlåtenhet att följa rekommendationen kan utgöra en fara för dig själv och andra.
(FI) ÄLÄ käytä kuulokkeita tai vaihda ON ANC -tilaan tilanteissa tai ympäristöissä, jotka vaativat täyttä huomiotasi
tai vaativat sinun olevan tietoinen ympäristön äänistä, kuten autolla ajaessa tai rakennustyömaalla, tämän
laiminlyönti voi muodostaa vaaran itsellesi tai muille.
(NO) IKKE bruk hodetelefonene eller slå på støykanselleringer i situasjoner eller miljøer som krever full
oppmerksomhet eller at du er klar over lyder i omgivelsene, for eksempel når du kjører eller er på en
byggeplass. Ellers kan det utgjøre en fare for deg selv eller andre.
(AR) ON ANC                     
. , : ,                   
(SK) Slúchadlá NEPOUŽÍVAJTE ani nezapínajte režim ANC v situáciách alebo prostrediach, ktoré si vyžadujú vašu
plnú pozornosť alebo aby ste vnímali okolizvuky, ako napríklad pri jazde s vozidlom alebo na stavenisku.
Ak tak neurobíte, môžete ohroziť seba alebo iných.
(HB) ANC                  
. . ,                
About the accessories
Accessories that came with this product have been designed and verified for the use in connection with this
product. Never use accessories for other products to prevent the risk of electric shock or fire.
ANC mode
(EN) DO NOT use your headphones or toggle ON ANC mode in situations or environments that requires
your full attention or requires you to be aware of surrounding sounds, such as when driving or in a
construction site, failure to do so may pose as a danger to yourself or others.
(ZH) 需要全神貫注或需要注意周圍聲音的情況或環境中(例如在駕駛途中或在建築工地時),請勿
使用耳機或打開 ANC 模式,否則可能會對您或他人構成危險。
(ZH:SC) 在需要全神貫注或需要注意周圍聲音的情況或環境中(例如在駕駛途中或在建築工地時),請勿
使用耳機或打開 ANC 模式,否則可能會對您或他人構成危險。
(JP) 自転車、オートバイ、または自動車などを運転中には絶対に使用しないでください。運転中に
(KO) 차량을 운전하거나 건설 현장에서와 같이주의를 기울여야하거나 주변 소리를 인식해야하는
상황이나 환경에서는 ANC 헤드폰을 사용하거나 켜지 마십시오 . 그렇게하지 않으면 자신이나
다른 사람이 위험 할 수 있습니다 .
(FR) Ne portez pas votre casque ou n’activez pas le mode ANC lorsque vous vous trouvez dans des
situations ou des environnements qui nécessitent de porter une attention particulière au sons
environnants, notamment lors de la conduite d’un véhicule ou sur un chantier de construction.
Le non-respect de cette consigne peut vous mettre en danger et mettre en danger les personnes
(七)禁止在以机场跑道中心点为圆心、半径 5000 米的区域内使用各类模型遥控器;
(八)本产品使用时工作温度为 0~45 度,工作电压 3.4-4.2V
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Limitation of Liability
Circumstances may arise where because of a default on ASUS part or other liability, you are entitled to recover
damages from ASUS. In each such instance, regardless of the basis on which you are entitled to claim damages
from ASUS, ASUS is liable for no more than damages for bodily injury (including death) and damage to real
property and tangible personal property; or any other actual and direct damages resulted from omission
or failure of performing legal duties under this Warranty Statement, up to the listed contract price of each
ASUS will only be responsible for or indemnify you for loss, damages or claims based in contract, tort or
infringement under this Warranty Statement.
This limit also applies to ASUS’ suppliers and its reseller. It is the maximum for which ASUS, its suppliers, and
your reseller are collectively responsible.
Complying with the REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation, and Restriction of Chemicals) regulatory
framework, we published the chemical substances in our products at ASUS REACH website at
VCCI: Japan Compliance Statement
VCCI Class B Statement
VCCI 準拠クラス B 機器(日本)
の装置は、ス B 情報術装置でこの置は、家庭境で使用するを目的ていすが
Federal Communications Commission Statement
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
This device may not cause harmful interference.
This device must accept any interference received including interference that may cause undesired
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant
to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency
energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions, may cause harmful
interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,
which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
CAUTION! The use of shielded cables for connection of the monitor to the graphics card is required
to assure compliance with FCC regulations. Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly
approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate this
部件名称 有害物质
铅(Pb) 汞(Hg) 镉 (Cd) 六价铬
(Cr(VI)) 多溴联苯
(PBB) 多溴二苯醚
印刷电路板及其电子组件 ×○ ○
○ ○
○ ○
其它 ×○ ○
本表格依據 SJ/T 11364 的規定編制。
○: 表示該有害物質在該部件所有均質材料中的含量均在 GB/T 26572 規定的限量要求以下。
×: 表示該有害物質至少在該部件的某一均質材料中的含量超出 GB/T 26572 規定的限量要求,然該部件仍符合歐盟指令
2011/65/EU 的規范。
單元 限用物質及其化學符號
鉛(Pb) 汞(Hg) 鎘(Cd) 六價鉻
(PBB) 多溴二苯醚
印刷電路板及電子組件 ○ ○
外殼 ○ ○ ○
滾輪裝置 ○ ○
其他及其配件 ○ ○
備考 1.“O”係指該項限用物質之百分比含量未超出百分比含量基準值。
備考 2.“-”係指該項限用物質為排除項目。
Compliance Statement of Innovation, Science and Economic
Development Canada (ISED)
This device complies with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada licence exempt RSS
standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference,
and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of
the device.
CAN ICES-003(B)/NMB-003(B)
NCC: Taiwan Wireless Statement
時,應 立即停用,並改善至無干擾時方得繼續使用。前述合法通信,指依電信管理法規定作業之無線電
RF Exposure Warning
The equipment complies with FCC RF exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. The
equipment must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
Radio Frequency (RF) Exposure Information
The radiated output power of the Wireless Device is below the Innovation, Science and Economic
Development Canada (ISED) radio frequency exposure limits. The Wireless Device should be used in such a
manner such that the potential for human contact during normal operation is minimized.
This device has also been evaluated and shown compliant with the ISED RF Exposure limits under portable
exposure conditions. (antennas are less than 20 cm of a person's body).
Informations concernant l'exposition aux fréquences radio (RF)
La puissance de sortie rayonnée du dispositif sans fil est inférieure aux limites d'exposition aux radiofréquences
d'Innovation, Sciences et Développement économique Canada (ISED). Le dispositif sans fil doit être utilisé de
manière à minimiser le potentiel de contact humain pendant le fonctionnement normal.
Cet appareil a également été évalué et montré conforme aux limites d'exposition RF ISED dans des conditions
d'exposition portable. (les antennes mesurent moins de 20 cm du corps d'une personne).
CE Mark Warning
Proper disposal
DO NOT throw the device in municipal waste. This product has been designed to enable proper
reuse of parts and recycling. The symbol of the crossed out wheeled bin indicates that the
product (electrical, electronic equipment and mercury-containing button cell battery) should
not be placed in municipal waste. Check local regulations for disposal of electronic products.
DO NOT throw the device in re. DO NOT short circuit the contacts.
DO NOT disassemble the device.
ASUS Recycling/Takeback Services
ASUS recycling and takeback programs come from our commitment to the highest standards for protecting
our environment. We believe in providing solutions for you to be able to responsibly recycle our products,
batteries, other components as well as the packaging materials. Please go to for detailed recycling information in different regions.
English ASUSTeK Computer Inc. hereby declares that this device is in compliance with the essential
requirements and other relevant provisions of related Directives. Full text of EU declaration of
conformity is available at:
Français AsusTek Computer Inc. déclare par la présente que cet appareil est conforme aux critères
essentiels et autres clauses pertinentes des directives concernées. La déclaration de conformité de l’UE
peut être téléchargée à partir du site Internet suivant :
Deutsch ASUSTeK Computer Inc. erklärt hiermit, dass dieses Gerät mit den wesentlichen
Anforderungen und anderen relevanten Bestimmungen der zugehörigen Richtlinien übereinstimmt.
Der gesamte Text der EU-Konformitätserklärung ist verfügbar unter:
Italiano ASUSTeK Computer Inc. con la presente dichiara che questo dispositivo è conforme ai
requisiti essenziali e alle altre disposizioni pertinenti con le direttive correlate. Il testo completo della
dichiarazione di conformità UE è disponibile all’indirizzo:
KC: Korea Warning Statement
Ukraine Certication Logo EAC Certication Logo
UKCA RF Output table (The Radio Equipment Regulations 2017)
Function Frequency Maximum Output Power (EIRP)
Bluetooth 2402 - 2480 MHz 10 dBm
CE RED RF Output table (Directive 2014/53/EU)
Function Frequency Maximum Output Power (EIRP)
Bluetooth 2402 - 2480 MHz 10 dBm
Simplied UKCA Declaration of Conformity
ASUSTek Computer Inc. hereby declares that this device is in compliance with the essential requirements
and other relevant provisions of The Radio Equipment Regulations 2017 (S.I. 2017/1206). Full text of UKCA
declaration of conformity is available at
Русский Компания ASUS заявляет, что это устройство соответствует основным требованиям
и другим соответствующим условиям соответствующих директив. Подробную информацию,
пожалуйста, смотрите на
Български С настоящото ASUSTeK Computer Inc. декларира, че това устройство е в съответствие
със съществените изисквания и другите приложими постановления на свързаните директиви.
Пълният текст на декларацията за съответствие на ЕС е достъпна на адрес:
Hrvatski ASUSTeK Computer Inc. ovim izjavljuje da je ovaj uređaj sukladan s bitnim zahtjevima i
ostalim odgovarajućim odredbama vezanih direktiva. Cijeli tekst EU izjave o sukladnosti dostupan je
Čeština Společnost ASUSTeK Computer Inc. tímto prohlašuje, že toto zařízení splňuje základní
požadavky a další příslušná ustanovení souvisejících směrnic. Plné znění prohlášení o shodě EU je k
dispozici na adrese:
Dansk ASUSTeK Computer Inc. erklærer hermed, at denne enhed er i overensstemmelse
med hovedkravene og andre relevante bestemmelser i de relaterede direktiver. Hele EU-
overensstemmelseserklæringen kan ndes på:
Nederlands ASUSTeK Computer Inc. verklaart hierbij dat dit apparaat voldoet aan de essentiële
vereisten en andere relevante bepalingen van de verwante richtlijnen. De volledige tekst van de EU-
verklaring van conformiteit is beschikbaar op:
Eesti Käesolevaga kinnitab ASUSTeK Computer Inc, et see seade vastab asjakohaste direktiivide
oluliste nõuetele ja teistele asjassepuutuvateletetele. EL vastavusdeklaratsiooni täielik tekst on
saadaval järgmisel aadressil:
Suomi ASUSTeK Computer Inc. ilmoittaa täten, että tämä laite on asiaankuuluvien
direktiivien olennaisten vaatimusten ja muiden tätä koskevien säädösten mukainen. EU-
yhdenmukaisuusilmoituksen koko teksti on luettavissa osoitteessa:
Ελληνικά Με το παρόν, η AsusTek Computer Inc. δηλώνει ότι αυτή η συσκευή συμμορφώνεται με
τις θεμελιώδεις απαιτήσεις και άλλες σχετικές διατάξεις των Οδηγιών της ΕΕ. Το πλήρες κείμενο της
δήλωσης συμβατότητας είναι διαθέσιμο στη διεύθυνση:
Magyar Az ASUSTeK Computer Inc. ezennel kijelenti, hogy ez az eszköz megfelel a kapcsolódó
Irányelvek lényeges követelményeinek és egyéb vonatkozó rendelkezéseinek. Az EU megfelelőségi
nyilatkozat teljes szövege innen letölthető:
Latviski ASUSTeK Computer Inc. ar šo paziņo, ka šī iece atbilst saistīto Direktīvu būtiskajām
prasībām un citiem citiem saistošajiem nosacījumiem. Pilns ES atbilstības paziņojuma teksts pieejams
Lietuvių „ASUSTeK Computer Inc.“ šiuo tvirtina, kad šis įrenginys atitinka pagrindinius reikalavimus ir
kitas svarbias susijusių direktyvų nuostatas. Visą ES atitikties deklaracijos tekstą galima rasti:
Norsk ASUSTeK Computer Inc. erklærer herved at denne enheten er i samsvar med hovedsaklige
krav og andre relevante forskrifter i relaterte direktiver. Fullstendig tekst for EU-samsvarserklæringen
nnes på:
Polski Firma ASUSTeK Computer Inc. niniejszym oświadcza, że urządzenie to jest zgodne z
zasadniczymi wymogami i innymiaściwymi postanowieniami powiązanych dyrektyw. Pełny tekst
deklaracji zgodności UE jest dostępny pod adresem:
Português A ASUSTeK Computer Inc. declara que este dispositivo está em conformidade com os
requisitos essenciais e outras disposições relevantes das Diretivas relacionadas. Texto integral da
declaração da UE disponível em:
Română ASUSTeK Computer Inc. declară că acest dispozitiv se conformează cerinţelor esenţiale
şi altor prevederi relevante ale directivelor conexe. Textul complet al declaraţiei de conformitate a
Uniunii Europene se găseşte la:
Srpski ASUSTeK Computer Inc. ovim izjavljuje da je ovaj uređaj u saglasnosti sa osnovnim zahtevima
i drugim relevantnim odredbama povezanih Direktiva. Pun tekst EU deklaracije o usaglašenosti je
dostupan da adresi:
Slovensky Spoločnosť ASUSTeK Computer Inc. týmto vyhlasuje, že toto zariadenie vyhovuje
základným požiadavkám a ostatým príslušným ustanoveniam príslušných smerníc. Celý text
vyhlásenia o zhode pre štáty EÚ je dostupný na adrese:
Slovenščina ASUSTeK Computer Inc. izjavlja, da je ta naprava skladna z bistvenimi zahtevami in
drugimi ustreznimi določbami povezanih direktiv. Celotno besedilo EU-izjave o skladnosti je na voljo
na spletnem mestu:
Español Por la presente, ASUSTeK Computer Inc. declara que este dispositivo cumple los requisitos
básicos y otras disposiciones pertinentes de las directivas relacionadas. El texto completo de la
declaración de la UE de conformidad está disponible en:
Официальное представительство в России
Горячая линия Службы технической поддержки в России:
Бесплатный федеральный номер для звонков по России: 8-800-100-2787
Номер для пользователей в Москве: +7(495)231-1999
Время работы: Пн-Пт, 09:00 - 21:00 (по московскому времени)
Официальные сайты ASUS в России:
Данное устройство соответствует требованиям Технического регламента
Таможенного Союза ТР ТС 020/2011 Электромагнитная совместимость
технических средств утв. решением КТС от 09.12.201. №879
Per FCC Part 2 Section 2.1077
Responsible Party:
Asus Computer International
48720 Kato Rd., Fremont, CA 94538, USA
Phone/Fax No: (510)739-3777/(510)608-4555
hereby declares that the product
Product Name :
Model Number :
compliance statement:
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference,
and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference
that may cause undesired operation.
Ver. 180125
Manufacturer ASUSTek COMPUTER INC.
Address, City 1F., No. 15, Lide Rd., Beitou Dist., Taipei City
112, Taiwan
Authorized Representative in Europe ASUS COMPUTER GmbH
Address Harkortstrasse 21-23, 40880 Ratingen
Country Germany
Authorized Representative in United
Address 1st Floor, Sackville House, 143-149 Fenchurch
Street, London, EC3M 6BL, England
Country United Kingdom
Service and Support
Visit our multi-language website at
Déclaration de conformité de Innovation, Sciences et Développement
économique Canada (ISED)
Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Innovation, Sciences et Développement économique Canada
applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes
: (1) l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage
radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.
CAN ICES-003(B)/NMB-003(B)
Svenska ASUSTeK Computer Inc. förklarar härmed att denna enhet överensstämmer med de
grundläggande kraven och andra relevanta föreskrifter i relaterade direktiv. Fulltext av EU-försäkran
om överensstämmelse nns på:
Українська ASUSTeK Computer Inc. заявляє, що цей пристрій відповідає основним вимогам та
іншим відповідним положенням відповідних Директив. Повний текст декларації відповідності
стандартам ЄС доступний на:
Türe AsusTek Computer Inc., bu aygıtın temel gereksinimlerle ve ilişkili Yönergelerin diğer ilgili
koşullarıyla uyumlu olduğunu beyan eder. AB uygunluk bildiriminin tam metni şu adreste bulunabilir:
Bosanski ASUSTeK Computer Inc. ovim izjavljuje da je ovaj uređaj usklađen sa bitnim zahtjevima i
ostalim odgovarajućim odredbama vezanih direktiva. Cijeli tekst EU izjave o usklađenosti dostupan je
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Varumärke: Asus
Kategori: Hörlurar
Modell: ROG Cetra True Wireless

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