CyberPower Smart App Sinewave PR750LCD Bruksanvisning
Smart App Sinewave PR750LCD
Läs nedan 📖 manual på svenska för CyberPower Smart App Sinewave PR750LCD (2 sidor) i kategorin UPS. Denna guide var användbar för 2 personer och betygsatt med 4.5 stjärnor i genomsnitt av 2 användare
Sida 1/2

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Battery Replacement
1. lace t e UPS on its top and remove the retaining screw (figureP h 1).
2. lide t e battery compartment cover completel off of t e unit (figu e S h y h r 2).
3. emo e the battery from the compartment and di con ect batterR v s n the y
w r n ng the ires from the battery. Install the replacement batte y b coy necti
red wire to the positive (+) terminal and the blac ire to the negative (-) k w
ter inal of the battery. (figure 3m )
4. S h r nd h the lide t e battery compartment cover over the batte y a tig ten
retaining crews .
5. PS Charge the unit for 4 – 8 hours to ensure the U perform expecteds
ru .ntimes
MOD : CP600L CD P P -G, EL CD, 82CP 5L , C 800A , CVR 685AVR
CP8 A G P G, 25 VR-G CP AVRLC, 685 D- , C 825A CD-VRL
1. lace t e UPS on its side and locate the battery co pa ent coveP h m rtm r on
the n ws u bottom of the UPS. Remove the four (4) retai ing scre and p ll
the .battery compartment cover off the UPS (figure 1 & 2)
2. R v s n the y emo e the battery from the compartment and di con ect batter
w n r y n ires from the batteries. I stall the replacement batte ies b con ecting
the w m h ry red wire and black wire to the same color ire fros t e batte
pac . Put the batter pack into the compartment (fig e 3)k y ur .
3. S h r nd h the lide t e battery compartment cover over the batte y a tig ten
retaining crew. Charge the unit for 4 – 8 hours to ens e t e Us ur h PS
performs expected runtimes.
I s, AVR Seriesntelligent LCD Serie
1. R v .emo e the front panel of the UPS
2. P r ver ull out both round knobs and remove the batter compay tment co
completely off of the unit.
3. R v .emo e the batteries from the compartment
4. D .isconnect the battery wires from the batteries
5. r u Install the replacement batteries by connecting the wi e b ndle
(co posed of one red wire and one black wire) to the con ecto f omm n r r
the m rtment.battery pack. Put the batteries back into the co pa
6. R n h u s e-i stall the battery compartment cover and pus both ro nd obkn
bac into place. Put the front panel back on the UPk S.
7. r u 16 o Connect to AC power and charge the new batteries fo p to h urs
to i sure a full chargen .
Smart APP SIN WAVE SerieE s
1. h s s n remov h ront n ning Place t e UPS on it ide to locate a d e t e f pa el retai
scr s r m he .ew f om the botto of t UPS
2. v nt n war U . Slide the co er (fro pa el) to ds the bottom of the PS
3. mov m un .Re e it fro the it
4. the th ver.Disconnect the cable located at top of e co
5. w fr the s.Disconnect the battery ires om batterie
6. mov h r th m rtment.Re e t e batte ie fros m e co pa
7. In h m r b n r k w s stall t e replace ent batte ies y co necting the ed and blac ire
to the ame color wi es om batte pac batter pac s r fr the ry k. Pu t the y k
bac i to the compa tmek n r nt.
8. h m rtment ve h cre Replace t e batter coy pa co r and tig ten the etaining r s w.
Ch u u U r arge the nit for -8 4 hou to ensrs re the PS pe fo expectedrms
run s.time
1. mov h ht ront .Re e t e rig side f panel
2. mov h h r ng cr r he pr n ver nd Re e t e t ree etaini s ew fos t cable otectio co a
r v hemo e t e cover.
3. and .Disconnect the black red cable
4. mov h cr ng th r in .Re e t e one etaining r s ew holdi e batte y pack place
5. mov h k.Re e t e batte pacry
6. In h new ry k. ss crew ve stall t e batte pac A emble the s s, co r, cable and
front panel i t e e o de of ious tep C ge e nitn h revers r r the prev s s. har th u
for -8 rs to ens re the U pe for expected ti4 hou u PS r ms run mes.
MODE 900A , C 1200A , C 1500 T,L: CP VR P VR P AVR
1285A , C 1350A D, C 15 0A CP VRLCD P VRLC P 0 VRLCD
1. r s Rem ove the ight ide ont pa el fr n .
2. ws n Rem r r n sove the th ee etai ing cre for the cable otectio pr co erv and
remove the
3. ws nn Rem tw r ning ove the o etai scre from he t cable co ectors.
4. nn Disco ect e blac a d ed cable th k n r .
5. r r s h ry n Rem ove the fou etai ing ewn scr oldi g the batten pac ik place.
6. Rem ry k.ove the batte pac
7. ry In tall e new battes th pack. Ass ws, r, em screble the cove cable and
front n rever th rev us r he un pa el in the se order of e p io s s. tep Cha ge t it
for 4- ho to e pe fo ex ected ti 8 urs nsure the UPS r rms p run mes.
1. R th r s fr n .emove e ight ide ont pa el
2. R th wo n scr pr ve and emove e t retai ing ew fo thes r cable otectio con r
remov v .e the co er
3. Dis n h .co nect t e black and ed r cable
4. R th nin s he te in p .emove e fou retair g cre holding tws bat ry pack lace
5. R th .emove e batter packy
6. s e As the cre ve and In tall the n w ry . batte pack semble s ws, co r, cable
fro pa el in reve se der of the previou tep ge nitnt n the r or s s s. Char the u
fo 4- hou to the pe form expected ntir 8 rs e ure ns UPS r s ru mes.
MODE : O 500 CD M2U, O 2200 U,L R1 L R R LC RM2D
O 1500 CD , O CD R L RTXL2U R2200L RTXL2U
A sVR Serie
MODE 500 M1U, O 700 CD U, O 100 CD M1U,L: OR LCDR R L RM1 R 0L R
OR LC U1500 DRM1
Smart PP ntel igent L D SerieA I l C s
1 2 3
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1 2
4 5
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1 2
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1 2
1 2
1. R v .emo e the front panel of the UPS
2. R v an s the emo e two screws from the battery compartment cover d lide
cover completely off of the unit.
3. R v emo e the batteries from the compartment. Disconnect the battery
w .ires from the batteries
4. r u Install the replacement batteries by connecting the wi e b ndle
(co posed of one red wire and one black wire) to the con ecto f omm n r r
the .battery pack
5. P R h ut the batteries back into the compartment. e-install t e battery
compartment cover and tighten the retaining scre ut front pa elws. P the n
bac on the UPSk .
6. r u 16 o Connect to AC power and charge the new batteries fo p to h urs
to i sure a full chargen .
MOD : 100 CDEL PR 0L
1. mov h r n the S.Re e t e f ont pa el of UP
2. mov w r m he m ver n s the Re e t o sc ews fro t batte cory partment co a d lide
cove completel off of the itr y un .
3. mov h s ro r nt. Dis n Re e t e batterie f m the compa tme co nect the battery
wir r r f om the batte ie
4. In h nt r by the re bu stall t e replaceme batte ies co ectingnn wi ndle
(co po ed of one red wire d o blac e) to con ecto f omm s an ne k wir the n r r
the batte pack ry .
5. the r s m n Put batte ie bac into thek co partme t. e-i tall the batte R ns ry
co pa tme t co a d tig te e etaini screw ont pa elm r n ver n h n th r ng s. Pu t the fr n
bac on thek UPS.
6. n wer n h ne r up 6 o Co nect to AC po a d c arge the w batteries fo to 1 h urs
to ins re a full cha ge u r .
1 3 42
1. R th r s fr n .emove e ight ide ont pa el
2. R th wo n scr pr and emove e t retai ing ew fo thes r cable otectio coven r
remov v .e the co er
3. Dis n h .co nect t e black and ed r cable
4. R th ne ning h tery .emove e o retai s w cre holding t e bat pack in place
5. R th .emove e batter packy
6. s e As the crews ve and In tall the n w ry . batte pack semble s , co r, cable
fro pa el in reve se seque ce of the ab ve teps Cha ge itnt n the r n o s . r the un
fo 4- hou to the pe form expected tir 8 rs e ure ns UPS r s run mes.
MODE : 50 CD M1U, 1000 CDL PR7 L R PR L RM1U
1 2
4 5
1. R th r s fr n .emove e ight ide ont pa el
2. R th wo n scr pr and emove e t retai ing ew fo thes r cable otectio coven r
remov v .e the co er
3. Dis n h .co nect t e black and ed r cable
4. R th nin s th er pac .emove e fou retair g cre holdingws e batt y k in place
5. R th .emove e batter packy
6. s e As the crews ve and In tall the n w ry . batte pack semble s , co r, cable
fro pa el in reve se der of the pre iou teps ar itnt n the r or v s s . Ch ge the un
fo 4- hou to the pe form expected tir 8 rs e ure ns UPS r s run mes.
MODE : 500 M2U, 2200L PR1 SWR PR SWRM2U
1 2
4 5
1. mov h r U n crew rom Re e t e f ont panel of the PS a d two s s f the battery
co pa tme t co and lide the co co pletel off of the itm r n ver s ver m y un .
2. ou h ry k the outs fr m rtment. Pull t t e batte pac on ide om the co pa
Di co nect the batte con ecto f om the batte ies n ry n r r r s.
3. r v th the s k he and Before emo ing e batter pac ony k in ide, nloc u t cable tie
pu out ry r s th ry r r ll the batte wi es Di. co ectnn e batte co ectonn f om the
batte ier s.
4. In h m ry o the i b n stall t e replace ent batte pack n nside y nnco ecti g the
wir n n s and one e bu dle con ector (compo ed of one ed r wire blac wire)k
to the connecto f t e batte pac oc the batter wi bac r rom h ry k. L k y res k
w .ith the cable tie
5. In h m r uts b n wire stall t e replace ent batte ie ons the o ide y co necting the
bu r m s r wire one r he ndle connecto (co po ed of one ed and blac wik e) to t
co necto fro t e batte pac the batten r m h ry k. Pu t ry on pack the outside
bac i to the compa tmek n r nt.
6. h ry r nt r n n Re-i tall tns e batte compa tme cove and tighte the etai r ing
scr s the nt n U .ew and put fro pa el bac on thek PS
7. n nd ch th new r s 6 ho Co nect to AC power a arge e batte ie for p to 1 u urs
to ins re a full cha ge u r .
Note The batte y pack e out ide a se hile batter pack: r o thn s has fu , w the y
on the side doe ot in s n .
MODE : 2200 D, 00L PR LC PR30 LCD
12 3 4

8 9
11 K0 0 6111-0 00 -01
1 v .. Remo e the battery cover
2 ry.. Disconnect battery cable connector to remove batte
3 n .. Replace with new battery and re-connect the batte cory nector
4 r n the . Make sure battery is fixed properly in the compa tme t and close
battery cover.
MOD : CSN2 12 C V EL 7U V-NA2, SN27U12 -NA3,
CS 2V XLN2 12V-N G, CS 77U A3- N2 U1 -
1. ry v k the . Slide off the batte co er at the bac of DTC U1 nit36 2V u
2. mov h .Re e t e batte fro thery m enclo resu
3. n rs.Disconnect both batte cablery con ecto
4. In h new ry by n ng the the s ve stall t e batte con ecti red lead to po iti
termi al a the blac lead to egati e ter inaln nd k the n v m .
5. y in th nor r . Slide the batter back to e mal ope ation
6. ry ve r m r n.Replace batte co r to es e norum al ope atio
MODE : DTC36U12 -NL V A3 -G
1 2 3
1. mov h r .Re e t e case sc ew
2. n h r. Ope t e batter covey
3. s ry tr .Loo en the batte s ap
4. r r Disconnect batte cablery connecto to emove battery.
5. n and th r.Replace with ew battery re-connect e batter co ectoy nn
6. stripTighten the battery
7. se ver n the se w.Clo the batte cory a d lock ca scre
MODE : C 24C12 2-L S V E
1 2 3
1. R v n ron the emo e the six retai ing screws, and remove the f t panel from
2. R v pr emo e the two retaining screws for the cable otection cover and
remove the cover.
3. R v n .emo e the two retaining screws from the cable co nectors
4. D .isconnect the black and red cable
5. R v in .emo e the three retaining screws holding the batte packry place
6. R v .emo e the battery pack
7. rew ve Install the new battery pack. Assemble the sc s, co r, cable and
front panel in the reverse order of the previous teps C ge unit s . har the
for 4-8 hours to ensure the UPS performs expected nti es ru m .
MODEL: 100 RT 2 , L RT PR 0LCD XL Ua PR1500 CD XL2U,
PR2 0L XL PR 20 CDRT 2U, 3000 CD T2U,L R
PR3 0L XL 00 CDRT 2U
1 2 3
1 v .. Remo e the right side front panel
2 v ver nd . Remo e the three retaining screws for the cable protectio con a
remove the cover.
3 v n rs.. Remo e the two retaining screws from the cable co necto
4 .. Disconnect the black and red cable
5 v k .. Remo e the four retaining screws holding the batte pacry i placen
6 v .. Remo e the battery pack
7 ws, v , and . Install the new battery pack. Assemble the scre co er cable
front panel in the reverse order of the previous teps C ge unit s . har the
for 4-8 ho rs to ensure the UPS performs expected nti esu ru m .
MOD : OR15 CR O CR UEL 00PF T2U, R2 PF200 T2
5 6
1. PS s . r Tu n the Ur on its ide Remo theve etai g scre located onnin w the
botto of UPm the S.
2. y r Slide t e batterh co pa tme t com r n ve co pletel off of e nitm y th u .
3. s Re the batte iemove r from compart the ment.
4. D n h ry res m h r s.iscon ect t e batte wi fro t e batte ie
5. s nn Install e eplaceme batterie th r nt by co ecti red ire (+) andng the w
black (-) to the sa color co necto t batter pac . ut wire me n rs from he y k P
th k m r nt.e batteries bac into the co pa tme
6. y n Slide back the batter compart ent co and tightem ver the n retai ing
s r U 16 u y har the y.crew echa. R ge the PS r fo 8- hou to frs ll c ge batter
3 4
1 2
1. he on . Remov fr n ng cre Tu trn UPS its side e the ont pa el etaini r s ws
located o the bottom ofn the U .PS
2. S th ry m nt r n m of the lide e batte co partme cover (f ont pa el) co pletely f of
3. R th from m nt.emove e batteries the co partme
4. Dis n h ry ir fro t nect t e batte w es m the bat erie
5. s r s y n t the ire and In tall the eplacement r batte ie b con ec ing r wed (+)
blac (-) to same colo co necto rom e atte pack wire the r n rs f th b ry k. Put
the in the m m .batterie bacs k to co part ent
6. S ry rtm and h the ng lide bac thek batte compa ent cover tig ten retaini
s PS r 8-1 h fu char te .cre echargews. R the U fo 6 ou tors lly ge he t bat ry
3 4
1. he on . Remov fr n ng cre Tu trn UPS its side e the ont pa el etaini r s ws
located o the bottom ofn the U .PS
2. S th ry m nt r n m of the lide e batte co partme cover (f ont pa el) co pletely f of
3. R th from m nt.emove e batteries the co partme
4. Dis n h ry ir fro t nect t e batte w es m the bat erie
5. s r s y n t the ire bu In tall the eplacement r batte ie b con ec ing w ndle
(composed of e ed wi e a e black e) to the co necto f on r r nd on wir n r rom
the y k P r s in the rtment.batter pac . ut the batte ie back to compa
6. S ry rtm and h the ng lide bac thek batte compa ent cover tig ten retaini
s PS r 8-1 h fu char te .cre echargews. R the U fo 6 ou tors lly ge he t bat ry
3 4
1 2
4 5
1. mov h r n .Re e t e f ont pa el
2. mov h ng ws th n ver Re e t e two retaini scre of e cable protectio co and
r v h r.emo e t e cove
3. s ker wl remove th ry . Pull the pla tic stic out slo y to e batte module
4. the k n th m rtm . Put ne batte module bacw ry s i to e co pa ent
5. r and r and the front Tighten the sc ews replace the cable p otection cover
pa eln .
1. R v ron .emo e the right side f t panel
2. R v n r s the r n v nd emo e the three retai ing sc ew for cable p otectio co er a
remove the cover.
3. R v n s w r the n .emo e the two retaini g cre s f om cable co nectors
4. D an r .isconnect the black d ed cable
5. R v r s ng in .emo e the four retaining sc ew holdi the batter packy place
6. R v .emo e the battery pack
7. y . m screw ver, nd Install the new batter pack Asse ble the s, co cable a
front panel in the reverse order of the previo s steps. arge t e unitu Ch h
for 4-8 hours to ens re the UPS performs expected nti es u ru m .
MODEL: 100 R L RT PR 0LCD T2U, 000 PR1 CD XL2U,
PR1 0L PR2 PR SWR 50 CD T2U,R 200 CD T2U, L R 3000 M2U
4 5 6
Cyber Power Systems, Inc.
ww y r r mw.c be powe .co
Fo d da:r USA an Cana
424 1 Av Su1 2th e st, Ea ite 400
Sh , 37akopee MN 55 9
Toll-f ee: ( 93r 877) 2 -697 7
Fo :r al otherl re onsgi
P se o w s n r n.lea visit ur eb ite for local contact i fo matio
Varumärke: | CyberPower |
Kategori: | UPS |
Modell: | Smart App Sinewave PR750LCD |
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