Panduit FSPCVR Bruksanvisning

Läs nedan 📖 manual på svenska för Panduit FSPCVR (4 sidor) i kategorin Polermaskin. Denna guide var användbar för 6 personer och betygsatt med 4.5 stjärnor i genomsnitt av 2 användare

Sida 1/4
Optical fiber cleaver
1. General
This product has been designed and manufactured to assure personal safety.
Improper use can result in bodily injury and serious damage to the fiber cleaver.
Please read and ob e all serv warnings instructions given in this operation manual.
1. Do not use the cleaver in io condensat n or wet e Dnvironments. oi o ng s can cause
fire, ma n or elf iounct lectric shock.
2. Ple id ioase observ these e important cons erat ns when dealing thwi lithium
batteries for the cleave counter:
∙Do not charge, short circuit, dis leassemb , heat p throw u and the battery in ir f e.
Do not mix the batteries with other metallic objects and different types of
∙When disposing o atf or storin itg the batter wy, rap it w h tape for insul ion.
∙If you are not going to use t che leav long er f aor time, remove the battery from
the clea r and wrve ap it around with a tape for ins atul ion.
∙Keep away f hrom fain nts. If infant appens to swal the low battery, consult with a
∙Make sure the polarities are correctly connected.
1. Do Donot th as t touch the blade wi bare hands i is e sxtremely harp. ing so can
cause bodily injury. A chipped blade will degrade cleaving performance. Take
care not to hit the blade against anything.
2. Opt ndic ibal f er a g flass iber offcuts tinyare and harp e sxtremely . Handle it w h
great care. Take care not to prick your finger. Wear afety glasses at s all times
during at cle inav g oper ion for protecti ass fibers. on from gl
3. Do not use the cleaver which has a crack or damage. Doing so can cause bodily
4. . Do not impact the cleaver by hit The n c avle er is a precisio tool ting or dropping.
Doing so can cause bodily in lejury and loss of c aving performance.
5. After se u please empty the fiber bin and then s ctore the leaver in the case. There
is a p tossibility hat fiber offcuts could spill out g of t dhe bin urin transportation if
they remain in the bin.
6. Do not push the slider while the stopper wered. lever is lo
7. If working in an elevated p sosition, uch as on a ladder, take safety measures like
us g the in ing p to prea stra vent dropp cleaver.
8. Dis is ixpose glass and batteries n of fiber offcuts i proper d posal bins. Do n mot
them with other waste.
9. Do ornot disassemble lubricate any parts of the cleaver. Doing so can cause
damage to the cleaver.
10.When pushing the slider, make sure that the lid is opened. P tushing he slider with
the lid closed can cause damage to the cleaver. When lid isthe closed ngduri
storage, do not apply excess ive force to the slider.
*With regards the names of the cleaver parts, please refer to “2. Structure”.
11.Do not use and st r in h h temper ngore the cleave ig ature and high humidity. Doi
so can cause damage to the cleaver.
12.Be sure to lock the lid before storage and transportation.
13.Store the cleaver g case after use. in the carryin
Standard package
Part name Part No. Unit Qty
Optical fiber clea r ve FSPCVR pc 1
Sing dapter for cord *1le fiber a AP-FC7(P) pc 1
Single fiber a 0.25mmdapter for Φ/Φ0.9mm *2 AP-FC7 pc 1
Carrying case pcCC-8RSH 1
Operation manual *3
pc 1
Cl ng brusheani pc 1
Hexagonal wrench pc 1
Strap pc 1
*1 Pre-attached t clo the cleaver in uded in the packag (w M2x4 screw) e ith
*2 Included (with M2x6 screw)
*3 The latest vers . ion is provided
Optional accessories / Consumables
Part name Part No. Unit Qty
Replacement blade FCP-20BL(7R) pc 1
Sing dapter for cord *1le fiber a AP-FC7(P) pc 1
Single fiber a 0.25mmdapter for Φ/Φ0.9mm *2 AP-FC7 pc 1
Fiber bin *2 TR-FC8R set 1
Carrying case pcCC-8RSH 1
Co type thin Li ium battery CR1220 pc 1
*1 Included as a standard package emit . (The adapter comes with M2x4 screw to secure to the
*2 Included as a standard (Thepackag em. e it adapter comes with M2x6 screw to secure to the
2. Structure
Denotes eriousimportant onsi ousafety c de thrations at c ld in result s
in igjury if nored.
Denotes important safety consi ons derati that c rould esult in injury
or damage to the cleaver.
Disp ys cla leave count.
(10)Stopper rleve
Moves the slider.
Scratches optical fiber.
Is made of rubber and tc becleaves a scra hed fi r.
(13)Single fiber adapter for cord
A guid ine for placement of s gle fiber.
Operation manual
Applic le ibab f er
Material Silica glass
Cl 5 adding diameter Φ12
Fiber count Single
Coatin 0.g diameter *1 Φ0.25mm, Φ9mm
Cord r *2 diamete Φ1.6mm, Φ3.0mm
Φ0.9mm coat g in length Φ1.6mm Cord : 14mm
Φ3.0mm Cord : 14mm
Cleave length *3 7.07.5mm
Automatic blade rotation*4 Available it (Sw chable to Fixed)
Cleaver operation
DC power supply Co m battery in type Lithiu CR1220
Cl ounts per eave c
battery *5 Approx. 60,000 cou s nt
Lid openin leg angl chabe Swit (Wi de/Narrow)
Size *6 mm58(W) x 98(D) x 49(H)
Weight Approx. 260
Blade life*7 60,000 fi bers (2,500 fibers x 24 positions)
Operating condition
Temp. 50 5%-10°C~ °C/Humidit owy RH bel 9 (non-condensing)
Storage condition
Temp. 80 5%-40°C~ °C/Humidit owy RH bel 9 (non-condensing)
*1 thWi AP-FC7 attached.
*2 With AP-FC7(P) attached.
*3 Design value.
*4 24 positions per rotation.
*5 Based on in-house standards, this number may be achievable at room temperature wi anasonth P ic CR
1220 battery. It varies depending on the operational environments and batteries. Even if t b ihe attery s
repl the aced, cleave count is not reset and up to 99,999 counts can be displayed. It can be reset
anyt ogged.ime. If th cl ount i ce eave c s reset, the total le isave count l
*6 A project n region is exio cluded.
*7 B rylade lif ise not guaranteed. It may va depending on the operat ronment.ional envi
*8 The FSPCVR works on a battery. Pl u tease se he cleav ng and storier in a cool place. Usi ng the cleaver
in low temperature or high temperature and h hig humidity m cay ause he t b cattery apacity to decrease
and the cleave count will be less.
Fiber is cleaved and fiber offcut is col ctedle
along with openi ng of the and closi
(2)Locking lever
Keeps the clid losed.
(3)Blade rotation switching lever
Changes blade rotation to Automatic or Fixed.
(4)Lid opening angle switching lever
Changes lid opening angle.
(5)Fiber bin
Collects fib . er offcuts
(6)Strap hook
Secures the strap.
Mo ves the blade.
Is fi made of rubber and holds optical ber.
Do not touch the blade.
3.0 1.6
∙The fiber b oin nly collects a specified cleave length. If the cleave length is not
opti ct the offcut.mum, the collector ol may not c le
Optimum cleave length for o cut collectober r
Bare f cliber eave length 23~30mm
Fiber Coating
(4) Close the lid. The slider is automatically pushed The back. fi ber is
Do not place your finger where t s b T she lider is pushed ack. he lider may hit the
finger, resulting in an injury.
(2) Push the slider fully until it’s locked.
(3) Position the edge of the fiber coating at “7 CLEAVE” and hold the fiber
coating with your finger.
(5) Open the lid. The fiber offcut is automatically
collected. The cle isaving process completed.
Remove the fiber from holder.
3. Operating procedures
(1) Slide both locking levers to open the lid.
While pushing down t l lhe id ightly, hold both locking levers and slide them
together to the front at the same time until the r ied ndicator is not visible
at all.
Locking lever (located on Left & t)Righ
Step 1
Lock indicator (red)
Slidin lo ing one ck g lever does not open the lid smoothly.
If t lhe id is closed with one lo in leck g ver or t lhe ocking levers are not slid fully,
the lid entally open dur g storage or twill accid in ransport, potentially resul ngti
in damage.
The red in isdicator not
comp tely vle isible.
(6) After using the cleaver, slide back the locking tolevers lock the lid.
While closed,keeping lid the hold both locking levers and slide them to
the back u t l lntil he ocking evers do move. not Make sure the red indicator
is completely visible.
Locking lever (located on Left & Right)
Step 2
Step 1
Lock indicator (red)
4. Functions
Lid opening angle change
The opening angle of the lid can be changed depending
on how y tou use he cleaver. When y t cou use he leaver
in one hand or cleave single fiber, it’s beneficial to
“Open the lid in a small angle”. When you e use th
cleaver on a c work bench, leave ribbon fiber or clean
the cleaver, it’s effective to Open the lid in a large
angle”. The default factory is “a small angle”. Before
sliding the lid opening angle switching lever, make sure
the lid is fully closed.
Lid g openin angle
sw chit ing lever
If you stop the halever lfway, the lid does not open properly, resulting in
damage to the cleaver.
Slide the lid openi ngle mark of the ng a switching lever to the left until
le igns with ver al mark of the cl with aeaver clicking sound.
Open the lid in a small angle (Approx. 30°) (Factory default)
(Approx. 30°)
Slide the lid opening angle switching lever to the right until mark of the
le igns with ver al mark of the cl with aeaver clicking sound.
Open t l ihe id n a large angle (Approx. 70°)
(Approx. 70°)
Automatic blade rotation
The blade rotation switching lever changes
the rotationblade to orAutomatic (R)”
“Fixed ( W0)”. ith Automatic ( tR)”, he blade
automatically rotates by approx. 15° on
each cleave.
With Fixed (0)”, the blade does not rotate.
If the blade is partly chipped but you wish
to use it, “Fixed (0)” is recommended.
The factory default is “ maticAuto .
Blade rotation switching lever
Turn the blade rotation switching lever with a slotted
screwdriver until the slit of the lever comes to “R”.
The lever can rotate in both directions.
Ensure that the blade automatically rotates on each
The slit shoul come to “Rd .
Automatic rotation (R)
Turn he t lever until t she li comes t to “R” or “0” completely with a clicking sound. If
you hestop t lever halfway, t b r nhe lade otation will ot work properly, resulting in
damage to the cleaver.
Turn the blade rotation switching lever with a slotted
screwdriver until the slit of the lever comes to “0”.
Ensure that the blade does not rotate.
Fixed (0)
The slit should come to “0”.
With use of the nglesi fiber adapter,
you can cleave single fiber to 7mm
cleave length.
Fitting single fiber adapter to the cleaver
0.9 0.25
Make sure single adapter the fiber is secured with a
correct size screw. Using an incorrect size screw can
cause the adapter not to be secured properly or give
damage to the counter.
AP-FC7(P) : M2x4 screw / AP-FC7 : M2x6 screw
Step 2
Single f aiber dapter
Fiber holder receptacle
Reference surface
How to f sit ingle fiber adapter
Place the single f a iiber dapter n the fiber holder receptacle. While pushing
the agai the reference surface,adapter nst secure it by tightening the
provided . ure screw Make s the adapter is perpendicular to the reference
∙Make sure the s s w single fiber adapter is ecured ith correcta ize
screw. U asing n incorrect ize s screw can cause the adapter not to
be secured properly or give damage to the counter.
AP-FC7(P): M2x4 screw / AP-FC7: M2x6 screw)
∙Make sure the sin isgle fiber adapter perpendicular to the reference
surface. If the adapter is angled, fiber will not be cleaved properl ory
cleave angle will be poor.
Cleave operation counter
The FSPCVR incorpo anrates LCD which displays the cleave count. The
cleaver automatically counts the number of cleaves on each cleave. It
can display t ave cohe cle unt and total cleave count.
Di ofsplay cleave count and total
cl eave count
Reset of cleave count
DC power supply Co thin type Li ium battery CR1220
(commercial item)
Cleave counts
Per battery Approx. 60,000 counts
cl eave count
Cl count: up to 99,999 countseave
Tota count: 999,999 counts l cleave
∙The cleave count and total cleave count a not reset after a battery is replaced. re
∙The total cleave count cannot be reset.
∙A b wattery hich is in lestal d in the c uleaver pon shipment is intended f cor hecking of
counter oper ase repl one after ation. Ple ace it with a new operation checking.
∙The cleaver c can ount the number of c oleaves nly when a fiber holder or single fiber
adapter is fitted to the cleaver.
∙Based on our in ie house standards the above number may be ach vable at a room
temperature with Panasonic CR1220 battery. It varies depending on the
oper enational vironments a bnd atteries. If g nothin or “Lo he b tat” is is d played, or
displayed number is disappearing, the battery should be replaced.
∙If f the number o cl s the eave exceeds displayable cleave count, the cleave count
and total cleave count will return to “0”.
∙Do not appl tey ex e cessiv impact to the coun r. Doi o ng s can counter cause the to
malfunction or become faulty.
∙Do not use the cleaver in the rain, in t we condition caused dew condensati by on,
and in t hoo much umid, dusty and oily p Dlaces. oing so can cause fire, malfunction
and electr .ic shock
Cl ed.)eave count (“C” is display
<Cleave count> <Total e count> cleav <Low battery>
The counter automatically counts the n cumber of leav eaches on cleave.
With regards how to use cleavethe r, please refer to3. Operating
procedures”. The counter does not count without a fi holderber or single
fiber adapter fitted.
(1) Details of display
The cleaver displays “Cleave count” and “Total cleave count”. “Cleave
count” is displayed as a standard and “Total cleave count” can be
displayed necessaryas .
Even if “Cleave count” is reset, “Total cleave count” is not reset.
If the battery capacity is getting lo “Lo baw, t” appears.
(2) Timing of counting
A following cleave i t s m bs counted when he lider is oved ack closing of
the lid. T che leave count is displayed for econds. approx. 4 s If a fiber
holder or single fiber adapter is not to fitted the cleaver, the current
cleave count is di d and the cosplaye unt do es not increase.
Counter di lay sp
The SW button is located the ith on the f bottom o cleaver. W a hexagonal
wrench utton ( e t bAllen key) tc, push he SW ntil s l utraight down ightly it
clicks. Every time the SW is pushed, the display switches to “Cleave
count” and “Total cleave count” alternately and shows for approx. 8
Checking cleave counts and t al cleave countsot
∙Do not push t bhe utton SW too hard. Doing so c c dan ause amage to t She W.
∙The y standard displa isCleave yo count”. If u push it again, t d whe isplay ill
switch to “Total cleave count”.
Button SW
“Cleave count” can be reset by following these steps:
∙Do not push t b t hhe utton SW oo ard. D soing o can cause damage to the SW.
∙If you buttonpress the SW while noth g in or “Total cleave count” is
displa count” will not be ved, ”Clea
∙”Total cleave count” cannot be reset.
(1) With a hexagonal wrench (Allen key)
etc, push the button SW down to
display un“Cleave co t”.
Resetting cleave count
Button SW
(2) While keeping “Cleave count” displayed, press and
hold down the button SW ore f mor than 5 seconds.
“Cleave count” will be reset. (return to 0).
Replacing the battery
Battery cover
If nothing or “ b d oLo at” is isplayed n the LCD, or the displayed number is
disappearing, batterthe y needs replacing. A commercial item can be
used as a new replacement battery. (Part No.: CR1220)
(1) Loosen the 2 screws with the provided hexa enchgona wrl (Allen
key). Remove the fiber holder (Rreceptacle. emove th lee sing fiber
adapter prior to this step.)
(2) Hold the battery cove Pull it to the front to remove.r.
(3) ingers or nails. Remove the battery using your f
(4) With the positive (+) of a new battery faced up,
install it in the cleaver. Push the battery until it’s
lock he button SW once ed. Push t and make sure
“Cleave count” is displayed.
(5) Push the battery cover all the way to the back.
(6) While pushing the fiber holder receptacle against
the main bod screws. y, re-tighten the 2
∙Do not apply excessive force to the counter when replac g the batteryin .
∙”Cleave count” and “Total cleave count” are not r aeset fter a battery is replaced.
∙Dispose of old batteries in accordance wit reguh lo l ca lations.
∙Take care n tot o lose the battery cover. Always f t cit it to he leaver. If the battery
cover is not fitted, a battery will be removed by strong impact, resulting in
malfunct n of the slideio r.
The positive (+) should be faced up.
Fiber holder receptacle


Varumärke: Panduit
Kategori: Polermaskin
Modell: FSPCVR

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