AA One One City boardCity board, placed in front of you., placed in front of you.
Your City board has four zones: a space for your City tile on Your City board has four zones: a space for your City tile on
the left, three Progress Tracks (Economy the left, three Progress Tracks (Economy , Culture , Culture , and , and
Military Military ) running from 1 to 7 in the middle, an overview of ) running from 1 to 7 in the middle, an overview of
the different phases for each Round on the right, and an outline the different phases for each Round on the right, and an outline
of the three possible uses for Philosophy tokens at the bottom.of the three possible uses for Philosophy tokens at the bottom.
BB One One City tileCity tile chosen randomly from the 7 tiles available: chosen randomly from the 7 tiles available:
place it in the zone on the left side of your City board.place it in the zone on the left side of your City board.
Each City tile has an illustration above the 4 Developments. Each City tile has an illustration above the 4 Developments.
Next to each Development is a hole that ts a wooden marker Next to each Development is a hole that ts a wooden marker
to track your Developments as you unlock them.to track your Developments as you unlock them.
CC Wooden markersWooden markers,, Achievement tokens Achievement tokens,,
a Victory Point tilea Victory Point tile, and, and dice dice of of your color: your color:
place yourplace your ,, ,, and and markers in the level 1 spaces. markers in the level 1 spaces.
Place your Development marker next to the bottom Place your Development marker next to the bottom
Development on your City tile. Development on your City tile.
Place one of your dice in the empty space below yourPlace one of your dice in the empty space below your Track. Track.
Keep your Keep your Achievement tokens Achievement tokens andand Victory Point Victory Point
tiletile in front of you for now.in front of you for now.
You will use these markers on the Tracks on the central board You will use these markers on the Tracks on the central board
and your City board and to indicate Achievements you’ve and your City board and to indicate Achievements you’ve
unlocked. unlocked.
Each player starts with 2 dice and can obtain a 3Each player starts with 2 dice and can obtain a 3rdrd one during one during
the game. Dice let you take Actions. Your 3the game. Dice let you take Actions. Your 3rdrd die starts on the die starts on the
space below your Progress Track.space below your Progress Track.
Your Economy Track lets you gain Drachmas when you take Your Economy Track lets you gain Drachmas when you take
a Trade Action. Moving up this Track gives you Citizens or a Trade Action. Moving up this Track gives you Citizens or
Victory Points.Victory Points.
Your Culture Track lets you gain Victory Points when you take a Your Culture Track lets you gain Victory Points when you take a
Culture Action. Moving up this Track gives you Taxes or your 3Culture Action. Moving up this Track gives you Taxes or your 3
die. die.
Your Military Track lets you gain Troops when you take a Your Military Track lets you gain Troops when you take a
Military Action. Moving up this Track gives you Glory.Military Action. Moving up this Track gives you Glory.
DD 7 Action tiles7 Action tiles in your color, placed in front of you. in your color, placed in front of you.
Action tiles are numbered from 0 to 6. You can apply the effects Action tiles are numbered from 0 to 6. You can apply the effects
described on them during the Action Phase.described on them during the Action Phase.
equal to your level.
Then you may take 1 Explore Action.
Gain 1 more than your level.
Then you may buy 1 for 5 .
Gain equal to your level.
Gain 3 . Then draw the top 2
from the Politics deck. Choose one to
add to your hand. Put the other at the
bottom of the deck.
Gain 1 .