However, the most important thing to
remember is that this is a party game
– don’t take these rules too seriously!
Agree amongst yourselves on how much
flexibility there is.
Mistakes and skipping
If the explaining player makes a mistake,
for example says a part of the word in the
card, the word will not be accepted and the
team has to move one space backwards.
The other teams must therefore listen
closely when the team in turn is explaining.
For example, if a team has guessed 6 words,
but the explainer has made two mistakes,
the team gets to move 4 spaces forward
(6 - 2 = 4).
If the word seems too difficult, you can skip
it, but remember that then you also have to
move one space backwards. However, this
is sometimes a good idea since it may save
a lot of time.
Party explanations
When ever a team manages to carry out a
Party space task successfully, it may spin
the spinner, which gives bonus points (1-3).
This means that the team gets to advance
as many steps on the game board as they
have correctly guessed words plus the
number of steps shown by the spinner.
The timer is used just like in the normal
Story time – Tell a crazy story!
Explain all the words on a card by
telling a continuous story – the
team tries to guess the words. Start the
timer and start telling the story using the
words on a card in the order they appear
on it. As long as there is time left, you can
continue the story from the next card –
also if you skip words (normal skipping
rules apply). If you manage to get your
team to guess 8 words by telling a story,
your team is entitled to spin the bonus
Smiley – Let your mood guide you!
Pick up the top Smiley card. This
card states in what state of mind you
need to explain the words: Embarrassed,
Angry, Happy,
Crying, Scared, Wacko,
Depressed or Hysterical. Start the timer.
Start explaining words from the Word
cards (beside the number shown in the
party space) and emulate the given state
of mind by using only your voice, facial
expressions and body language. The
team tries to guess the words.
If you manage to explain all the words in
the given mood, your team is entitled to
spin the spinner – but only if the other
teams consider the explaining convincing.
The smiley card is shown to all players.
Positions – Strike a pose!
Pick up the top Position card. Start
the timer and start explaining words
from the Word cards (beside the number
shown in the party space) in the position
shown in the card (jumping, sitting,
standing on one leg…). The team tries to
guess the words. If you manage to hold the
position while explaining words until the
time runs out, your team is entitled to spin
the spinner. The position card is shown to
all players.
Celebrity cards – Describe
Pick up the top Celebrity card.
Turn the timer and start explaining the
celebrities to your team in the order in
which they appear on the card. Your team
mates try to guess. As long as there is time
left, you can keep explaining celebrities
from the next card – also if you skip
words (normal skipping rules apply). If
you manage to get your team to guess 8
celebrities, your team is entitled to spin the
bonus spinner.
In addition to real life celebrities and bands,
these cards contain names of famous
fictional characters.
1. The teams play in turns and inside
each team the players explain in
2. The spaces have numbers 1-8. The
team’s playing piece indicates the
number for the words to be explained
(except on the first round).
3. The amount of correctly guessed
words = the amount of spaces the
team can move forward.
4. The amount of mistakes and skipped
words = the amount of spaces the
team has to move backwards.
5. In Party spaces you describe
celebrities, or explain the words in
special ways.
6. When a team succeeds in a Party task,
it may spin the spinner for bonus
points = the amount of EXTRA steps.
7. The first team to reach the Finish
space wins.
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