Start of a Milestone
First, decide together which board game piece you want to start
with. You will want to take into consideration the development
costs printed on them. Once you have decided (the starting player has the
nal word!), take the required sum of money from the city treasury and
return it to the stockpile next to the playing area, turn the selected board
piece over, but keep it in the same position relative to the other pieces.
Note: You will have to rotate it around its longitudinal axis (formed by the row
of money tokens printed on it!). That way, the bodies of water shown on the
front side will be arranged the same as on the back.
Example: You pay two money tokens and turn game board piece A face-up.
On the front side of the board piece, you will see a
grid of squares, where you will be placing building
and zone tiles during the course of the game. The
tiles are not allowed to be placed over the edge of
the playing area, across streets, on other building
tiles, or on the water.
The squares are arranged into various areas. These are the districts of your
city. All areas that are bordered by a street or the edge of the board count as
City Districts.
Later on during the course of
play, a city district will be able
to extend over several game
board pieces. Many of the
cards refer to these districts.
Also, a condition for the end of a Milestone is that there be at least one
building or zone tile in each city district.
As the rst active player, the starting player carries out of the following one
three actions. Then, the next player in a clockwise direction becomes the
active player, etc.
The Actions:
Play a construction card
Exchange a construction card
End a Milestone
Play a Construction Card
There are two types of construction card:
For construction cards with service buildings or utility buildings on
them, you have to pay the amount of money indicated.
Example 1: You are building a medical clinic. You have to pay
one money and your Happiness increases by one.
Example 2: You are building a wind power plant. You have to
pay three money tokens and your Power capacity increases by
three. This means that you will soon be able to use more power.
The green, blue, and yellow construction cards are used to build
residential , commercial , and industrial zones.
These are free and require no money. Their impact on your city will vary in
terms of a number of factors, however. If you build them in such a way that
you use services, this will yield benets for your city. already-available
Example: You build a residential zone. The recently-arrived
residents consume more water. That causes your water capacity
to drop by one. But there is also a larger workforce available. The
value on your employment bar increases by one. If you utilize the
“healthcare” service indicated in the lower part of the card, you
get one money for your city treasury.
Important: This benet only applies if the service building is already
on the game board. If it is not built until later, the benet will not apply
If the player wants to play one of the construction cards lying in front of
himself or herself, he or she slides the card slightly forward.
The cards for and service utility buildings display the required tile on the
card. With the residential, commercial, and industrial cards, you can
take any tile you like from the matching zone category.
The player takes the tile from the and places it on a suitable general supply
location on the face-up game board. The player may turn and rotate it
however he or she likes to make it t best. The tile must t into the grid
of squares.
Once placed a constructed tile has to remain in place until the end of the
game. It cannot be moved again.
Important: In each city district, you are not allowed to construct
more than one utility building. If, say, you already have a wind turbine
in a district, you cannot also build an oil power plant there.
A water tower wouldn’t be possible there either.
For service buildings in the “Stage I” pile, the new zone (or at least
one square of it) has to be built to the service directly adjacent
building for this service building to be utilized.
Be sure to leave enough space to be able to build
more than one neighboring zone that can utilize
the service.
Example: Build the medical clinic in such a way
that there is room for several directly adjacent zones.